Greenwich Leisure have applied to use the Carnegie library, Herne Hill as…a “temporary community library”.

The move – made on February 5th – comes as the Carnegie Community Trust has announced details of its ‘business plan’ for the building – which include weddings and alcohol (please see separate story).

New plans marked ‘community library phasing plan from Thursday 15th February 2018’ – when the library ‘re-opens’ – submitted on behalf of Greenwich Leisure for ‘Phase One’ show the main ground floor includes a “temporary staff and emergency public toilet / nappy change”  on the rear left hand side of the building (so Lambeth council told the truth – there is a toilet), a staff kitchen and two small rooms marked ‘comms’ and ‘temporary storage.

The ‘community library’ is sited in the main room at the back of the building.

On the rear right hand side of the library there are two rooms marked site welfare and site office – which is by the lift – on the rear right hand side of the library.

The  front two sides of the building which face onto Herne Hill Road are both marked ‘construction site’.

But on phase two of the plans – from a ‘target date’ of March 19th 2018 – the community library moves into the two front sides of the building while the main room is labelled ‘temporary storage’.

The rest – including site storage and the small rooms for comms and temporary storage -remains as in phase one above.

The basement plan includes an archive room, three ancillary rooms and male and female toilets.

Greenwich Leisure’s application is for a new condition to allow temporary use of the ground floor as a library as an amendment to the original grant of planning permission:

16/06270/FUL (Retention of the existing library together with the erection of two single storey extensions to the south west elevation. Change of use and part excavation of the basement from a library (Use Class D1) to a gym and studio (Use Class D2) and the construction of an external plant compound provided at basement level. (Town Planning and Listed Building Consent 16/06271/LB). Granted on 30.06.2017.

Lambeth council’s response to the application – which is dated February 5th with a decision dated February 12th – states:

It is the consideration of the Local Planning Authority that the proposed works referred to above represent non-material amendments to the planning permission referred to above. Please be advised that this notice does not affect the terms or conditions of the original planning permission. Nor does it extend the life of the original planning permission. I trust this response is of assistance and clarifies the position.

In other words: This application makes no difference to the original planning permission.

But it begs the question: Why did Greenwich Leisure bother making such a bizarre application in the first place if it wasn’t needed? And who decided such an application was needed?

The library is due to re-open at 1pm tomorrow (Thursday).

FOR INFORMATION: The letter then lists what appear to be the conditions on which the original planning permission was granted:


10 Part (a) The use of the premises as a temporary community library (Class D1) as indicated on plans GLL_015_029 and GLL_015_530 (the phase one and phase two plans referred to above) shall not commence until a community library use plan has been submitted and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The use shall thereafter be operated in accordance with the approved details for the duration of the temporary use. The submitted details must include the following:

a) details of the dedicated floorspace to be reserved for exclusive library use, including any ancillary uses;
b) details of the hours of staff attendance in the temporary community library
c) details of access for the temporary community library

Reason: To ensure the combination and balance of uses on the site provide a flexible stock of premises serving the needs of the borough, as well as safeguarding the amenity of the surrounding area (policies ED7, S1, S2, and Q2 of the London Borough of Lambeth Local Plan (2015)).

Part (b) Upon cessation of the temporary community library use, the D1 premises hereby permitted, including the dedicated space to be reserved for exclusive library use, shall not commence until a community use plan has been submitted and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The uses shall thereafter be operated in accordance with the approved details. The submitted details must include the following:

a) details of the D1 uses operating on the site, including the dedicated floorspace to be reserved for exclusive library use and any ancillary uses such as the community cafe;
b) details of the area of the premises to be used for Class D2 uses;
c) details of the hours of staff attendance in the D1 use;
d) details of any shared or flexible community use of premises;
e) details of access for the D1 use.

Reason: To ensure the combination and balance of uses on the site provide a flexible stock of premises serving the needs of the borough, as well as safeguarding the amenity of the surrounding area (policies ED7, S1, S2, and Q2 of the London Borough of Lambeth Local Plan (2015)).

Part (c)

The use of the gymnasium (D2) use hereby permitted shall not commence until a community use plan has been submitted and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The uses shall thereafter be operated in accordance with the approved details. The submitted details must include the following:

a) details of the floorspaces occupied by the D2 use;
b) details of the hours of staff attendance in the D2 use;
c) details of access for both the D1 and D2 uses.

Reason: To ensure the combination and balance of uses on the site provide a flexible stock of premises serving the needs of the borough, as well as safeguarding the amenity of the surrounding area (policies ED7, S1, S2, and Q2 of the London Borough of Lambeth Local Plan (2015)).

11 Part (a)

The use of the premises as a temporary community library (Class D1) as indicated on plans GLL_015_029 and GLL_015_530 shall not commence until a servicing management plan has been submitted and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The uses thereafter be operated in accordance with the approved details for the duration of the temporary use. The submitted details must include the following:

a) frequency and hours of deliveries to the site;
b) frequency of other servicing vehicles such as refuse collections;
c) dimensions of delivery and servicing vehicles;
d) proposed loading and delivery locations; and
e) a strategy to manage vehicles servicing the site.

Reason: To avoid obstruction of the surrounding streets and limit the effects of the increase in travel movements within the locality as well as safeguarding public safety and the amenity of the surrounding area (policies EN4, T1, T6 and T8 of the London Borough of Lambeth Local Plan (2015)).

Part (b)

Upon cessation of the temporary community library use, the D1 premises hereby permitted, including the dedicated space to be reserved for exclusive library use, shall not commence until a servicing management plan has been submitted and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The uses thereafter be operated in accordance with the approved details. The submitted details must include the following:

a) frequency and hours of deliveries to the site;
b) frequency of other servicing vehicles such as refuse collections;
c) dimensions of delivery and servicing vehicles;
d) proposed loading and delivery locations; and
e) a strategy to manage vehicles servicing the site.

Reason: To avoid obstruction of the surrounding streets and limit the effects of the increase in travel movements within the locality as well as safeguarding public safety and the amenity of the surrounding area (policies EN4, T1, T6 and T8 of the London Borough of Lambeth Local Plan (2015)).

Part (c)

The use of the gymnasium (D2) use hereby permitted shall not commence until a servicing management plan has been submitted and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The uses thereafter be operated in accordance with the approved details. The submitted details must include the following:

a) frequency and hours of deliveries to the site;
b) frequency of other servicing vehicles such as refuse collections;
c) dimensions of delivery and servicing vehicles;
d) proposed loading and delivery locations; and
e) a strategy to manage vehicles servicing the site.

Reason: To avoid obstruction of the surrounding streets and limit the effects of the increase in travel movements within the locality as well as safeguarding public safety and the amenity of the surrounding area (policies EN4, T1, T6 and T8 of the London Borough of Lambeth Local Plan (2015)).

27 The temporary community library (Class D1) use hereby permitted as indicated on plans GLL_105_029 and GLL_015_530 shall cease on or before 12th February 2019 unless the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority is obtained to any variation.

Reason: To ensure that the future development of the site is not prejudiced in respect of the extant planning permission.

Notes to Applicants:

1. The application satisfies Section 96A of the Town and Country Planning Act (1990) as amended. The proposed amendments constitute non-material changes to that planning permission, and will result in a development that is substantially the same as was originally granted planning permission.

2. This decision notice only relates to the non-material amendments sought. It is not a reissue of the original planning permission, which still stands. This decision notice must be read in conjunction with the planning permission referred to in the description above (and any other non-material amendments that may have been granted).

3. In respect of condition 10 (a), if the location of the temporary community library use changes from that shown on the approved plan (Phase 1 and Phase 2), revised plans would need to be submitted.

Yours sincerely Rob Bristow Assistant Director Planning, Transport & Development Growth, Planning and Employment Directorate Date printed: 12th February 2018

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