MPs on fact-finding visit


A panel of MPs have visited the Central Hill estate in Crystal Palace to see how the residents there live.

The seven MPs are members of the Parliamentary Levelling Up, Housing and Communities committee looking at the quality and regulation of social housing in England and the Government’s proposals in the social housing White Paper for improving the regulatory regime.

Central Hill estate resident and former Cllr Pete Elliott posted on Twitter: “I would like to thank all the residents who let the seven MPs and their entourage visit their home and show them some of the awful conditions that they are forced to put up with.

“I was super grateful to those residents who let a bunch of well-to-do strangers wander around their neglected homes.

“It is something that the seven MPs should recognise is not an easy thing to do for some people who naturally would be very houseproud of their light and airy homes at the top of Gipsy Hill.”

Pete Elliott received this message from the person who arranged the visit:

Thank you for showing the Committee around the estate. I can assure you it made a real impression on them, so please do tell the residents that it made a difference. It brought home to them far better than photos ever can what some of these conditions are like.

The Committee is currently writing its report, which will be published some time in July. It will make a series of recommendations for how the Government and others might improve the condition and regulation of social housing.

Save Central Hill @savecentralhill posted:
We received a visit from MPs from the Department of Levelling Up and Communities Select Committee. I was asked how much it would cost to do up the estate. I said the council had given figures, but never a breakdown. The Chair, Clive was not happy.

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