Blocked-off roads: Petition calling for an end to ‘floating’ bus stops handed in to 10 Downing Street – supported by more than 160 organisations (and why watching Arsenal FC is a problem)… Khanage’s bike czar Will Norman on the “cycling boom” – but is it?…

Khanage’s bike czar Will Norman on the “cycling boom” – but is it?…

Will Norman @willnorman (His X ex Twitter description: London’s Walking & Cycling Commissioner. Working with @MayorOfLondon to build a safer, greener & healthier city for all. Tweets & typos all mine.)
London’s cycling boom continues New data shows daily cycling journeys increased to 1.26 million in 2023 up 6.2 per cent since 2022,  up 20pc since 2019

Former Hackney Labour Cllr Vincent Stops @VincentStops ·Dec 6 posted:

So he predicted a tenfold increase in cycling, a 200 per cent boom, then a 40pc boom, now it’s a 20pc boom. A 500 pc reduction in boom claims!…
Other responses on social media include:
Little Ninja UK @LittleNinjaUK ·
  • As a cyclist, you’ve made it easier for me to cycle more
  • As a bus user, you’ve delayed my journeys by taking away bus lanes
  • As a pedestrian, you’ve made walking more dangerous by putting e-bikes on pavements
  • As an environmentalists I see you’ve failed to get motorists out of cars (in response to will norman’s latest cycling figures)

A 20pc rise on a very small number. It’s amazing that  @london_cycling continue to support London’s failing approach to pretending to ‘grow’ cycling. Especially as this approach so disadvantages bus users and pedestrians.1/2

…it seems that neither @london_cycling  nor @willnorman are interested in getting more people cycling. Rather more interested in carving up London’s roads for the exclusive use of their (small in the context of London’s transport users) constituency of interest 2/2
For accuracy – your board papers refer to cycle stages not cycle journeys. Which is it?

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