Political diary: On Rishi wanting to bring back National Service… On ‘Dickson for Dartford’… and the Palestine at the Palace Kids Culture Day – how to try and get an event banned…..???

‘RISHI: I’LL BRING BACK NATIONAL SERVICE’ screams the headline on the front page of this morning’s left-wing red top ‘The Mail on Sunday.’

“Radical plan to force all 18-year-olds to serve in the military for 12 months – OR give up weekends to carry out civic duties”

News From Crystal Palace’s first reaction on seeing this headline  were:

1: Stark, staring bonkers…   

2: Vote Conservative and get your sons and daughters slaughtered fighting in another country (Memo to self: Mustn’t mention Netanyahu).

It’s not until you read Sunak’s lengthy sonnet inside you get a real sense of what this ‘non-sense’ is all about:

“To be clear our new National Service is not conscription…”

(Actually it is – of sorts).

“The vast majority of those who do it will not serve in the Armed Forces…


“Only those who choose to, and come through the tough entrance tests, will do that…

Explain Einstein’s theory of relativity. Or write your name in block letters… (OK it’s a very old joke, but…)

“But what everyone will do is contribute to their country…..

(They already do. If they want to. Please take one example: the kids who work – and have worked – at Crystal Palace food market on Haynes Lane / Bedwardine Road on Saturdays are – and have been – polite, hardworking and a credit to themselves). This may shock and surprise their parents but it’s true.)

“From first aid to helping the housebound and lonely, to search and rescue, every 18-year-old will learn new skills while simultaneously contributing to society.

“Young people will be able to choose between 25 days of volunteering – equivalent to one weekend every month – serving as a lifeguard for the RNLI, becoming a first aider or many other options.”


  • What happened to the old Tory party mantra about ‘Freedom of Choice’?
  • Kids who work all week will then have to work at weekends as well? For nothing?
  • Where’s the money coming from to train them? and
  • Have the RNLI – or any other worthwhile organisation – even been asked about this?

Many people are more than happy to work VOLUNTARILY – because it appeals to them / because they’re good at it.

This isn’t about choice.

This would just be something akin to slave labour. (And talking of slave Labour they’re going to have a field day with this).

These proposals need to be binned. IMMEDIATELY.


Dickson for Dartford?

Meanwhile, Brixton Buzz reports that Lambeth Labour Cllr Jim Dickson has been selected as Labour’s general election candidate for Dartford:

“Cllr Dickson is the current Lambeth Cabinet member for Healthier Communities. “You wouldn’t know this from his X account though. “He’s changed the JimDicksLambeth handle over to Jim4Dartford, with no mention of his Lambeth background.”

News From Crystal Palace can’t possibly imagine why….

Jim Dickson @Jim4Dartford
Delighted and honoured to be selected as the @UKLabour parliamentary candidate for Dartford! Dartford urgently needs a Labour government and a Labour MP to fight to save our NHS, give us safer streets & rebuild our economy!



Palestine at the Palace Kids Culture Day: How to try and get an event banned…..???


The following comment appears on a local Facebook group. Readers should be aware the admins on that group have deleted one post, details of which are not known  to NFCP.

But at what point do you start censoring? And when is free speech no longer free speech?:

Author: How did administrators of this group let several antisemitism comments and comments supporting terrorists group? The entire group risk a ban from Facebook if not apply a correct policy.

Response: Show me one post like this?
Author: see the comments on the palestinian kids festival

So NFCP took a look – and found that the opening contribution on the Kids Festival was from the author above (who during the ensuing discussion, even expresses the hope the police suspend it…):

Author: i hope they educate on the dangerous to support Hamas and will have time to remember also the victims of the 7 October terrorist attack. And also educate to a pacific way to live within pacific israeli people.

There were 76 responses to this, including:

Sure, they just need to learn how to live quietly under colonialism and apartheid, accept ethnic cleansing without protest, and stop resisting. Sounds like a great plan.

we are dealing with primary school children not university students. The programme has been sensitively developed. We are celebrating a rich and beautiful culture. These suggestions are inappropriate for this age group.

Author: well, important to focus on peace and not any message against Israel or anyother one? The comment above demonstrates how tight is boundary. I hope and agree on a genuine occasion of happynes for everyone, just to keep at distance extremist, fanatic, antisemitism people and fan of terrorist like hamas.

Author: as long as you and others not spend any word against the terrorist attack by hamas on 7/10 there is no things to can discuss with you or others.

your ignorance is truly astonishing….. or is it your support of genocide

Author: wow, probably you ignore more than me, but at least i not support terrorist group.

that’s ironic given you support Israel

Author: Israel is not terrorism!

no its the epitome of terrorist state

(New contributor): You support Israel. Who have starved , bombed and massacred 35,000 civilians. The very definition of state terrorism. You see my dear, this is why the moral integrity and intellect is with Palestinians. There are many great Jewish academics who also support Palestine. From the legendary Pappe, Finkelstein to Chomsky. We have witnessed the Ivy League universities and Russell groups here including Oxford and Cambridge University in solidarity with Palestine. I think they know a bit more about historical facts and context.
 Israel has been shown to lie about things and have been terrorising and murdering Palestinans for decades.
Author: and so? This justify 7/10?
also about the hundreds of Palestinians that are murdered by IDF each year do you think that is justified?
Author: absolutely not, of course
there’s no justification for any murder. Until the root of problem is not sorted this will happen.
Author:  till when there’s support or tolerance to Hamas there is no space. After that is to limit israele predominance in the area and give the rights to palestine free from Hamas
and even more importantly Free from Israel
hamas is the result of Israel’s occupation, unlawful incarceration, and killing of Palestinians. Once there’s no occupation, there will be no need for hamas. By killing 40 000 people do you think there will be less people joining hamas? Because I think the opposite. People whose whole families are being wiped out will join hamas, and there’s no surprise in that.
Author: any attempt to justify Hamas is shameful and makes you complicit
complicit in what again? Israel is committing a genocide, so supporting them makes you complicit.
Author: this is why i worry on the education to kids partecipating to this event. I hope the police will suspend it!
the word ‘Hamas’ will not be articulated at our event. The kids will be doing pottery painting, biscuit decorating and will learn about cross stitching for God’s sake. The only one who keeps banging on about it is you. And to suggest that the police get involved. You should be ashamed of yourself. Don’t show your face. We have security in place and they will be given your details.
(Response in reference to author’s use of word ‘Pacific’): He clearly meant to say pacifist. Most of the communities attacked on 7/10 were kibbutzim, which are known for having good relations with Palestinians. A lot of the people killed were peace activists.
I hope people like you are educated of the brutal 1948 Naqba where 750,00 Semite Palestinians were forced to leave their homes. 76 years of brutal illegal occupation, violence and apartheid. Why do you think the brightest young minds in the World are standing with Palestinians!
(Response:)I hope people like you are educated about the 800k Middle Eastern Jews who were expelled from Arab countries after the war of 1948. There is no apartheid within Israel, Arab who remained within Israel after 1948 were granted full citizenship. Gaza and the West Bank were not part of Israel, they were parts of Egypt and Jordan respectively.
Hamas originated from the Muslim Brotherhood in 1987. What is true is that at one time Israel supported Hamas as an alternative to the Fatah movement, which at that time was seen as a greater threat. With hindsight that was a mistake, but they wouldn’t be the first government to make a mistake like that.
The United Nations has published and credited third-party estimates of the number of those killed and injured in the war. Those include estimates that more than 34,900 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza and more than 1,200 people in Israel.
even France and Germany have joined Norway in stating that they will arrest Netanyahu if he enters their country. People know now, they’re afraid to be associated with these mass murderers.
Palestinian story telling – telling your kids you were once sovereign over the land of Israel even though you weren’t. The British were sovereign over it and before that the Ottomans for about 400 years. Stop telling your kids that your land was stolen and that you need to fight for it. Read a few history books and accept that you were actually given land which you never owned.
I’ve been waiting for your contribution (not used here – Ed.) all day. Unlike our other regular hecklers, at least you have a sense of humour. I’d like to invite you to the event next week so that you can experience something a bit different and maybe widen your horizons. Bring the grandchildren for some crafting and I will pay your and your partner’s entrance fee and treat you to some Palestinian food. Send me a direct message if you want to take me up on offer.
Response: thanks for offer but would rather spend time with my grandson . I abhor wot is going on in the world but using kids to support or advertise the plight of people is wrong in my eyes. I hope it is all over soon but both sides don’t really have an acceptable end game plan Imho . But I really appreciate the offer of breaking bread as I would with everyone but at my age I really am to long in the tooth to not say wot I feel !
Thanks for all your lovely support for our event. A polite request: please don’t engage with the haters. The same people post their nasty comments under all our events. You won’t change their minds and their aim is to stir up trouble and get our posts removed. Please ignore them. Your time is better spent elsewhere.
What a beautiful event for children. I’ll definitely be there even if my children are young adults now.
I’ll be there with my child
I’m very much looking forward to this event, and bringing my children, thank you CPFOP for organising and giving us the opportunity to learn and support. It’s all love where I stand xxx
Editor’s note: The above discussion included several references to viewing (plus one article) which follow:
Watch this short documentary. In it there is witness testimony, expert testimony (of physical evidence) and victim testimony from a former hostage. Actual photographic evidence has not been released to the public out of sensitivity to victims’ families, but you can find it on Telegram. I’ve also seen footage of Hamas members confessing, but I don’t want to spam the thread with loads of links, and you might choose to believe those confessions are false. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAr9oGSXgak
Screams Before Silence
Screams Before Silence
Response: you should definitely watch this one as well https://youtu.be/_0atzea-mPY?si=fzCGHp2m0XqoJiUR
October 7 | Al Jazeera Investigations
October 7 | Al Jazeera Investigations
Where is humanity. 14,000 children massacred and 35,000 civilians What will it take? Please watch to feel our pain and dismay.
weaponisation of antisemetism along with ignorance of facts.
We Helped Hamas To Build Bunkers Decades Ago, Says Ex Israeli PM Ehud Barak | Dawn News English
We Helped Hamas To Build Bunkers Decades Ago, Says Ex Israeli PM Ehud Barak | Dawn News English
https://amp.theguardian.com/…/artwork-gaza… from Chelsea & Westminster Hospital!
Artwork by children of Gaza being offensive to Zionist and had to be removed! If this is not dehumanisation, I don’t know what is.
As a mother, I will not stand by and allow children to be starved, bombed and slaughtered without highlighting the atrocities and injustice

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