Business rates appeals – beware of false claims on “deadline” dates… new guidance on staying safe from scammers… Glue traps licensing scheme opens…

Beware of false claims about deadlines to appeal the 2023 list for business rates – that’s the warning from the Valuation Office Agency.

Warning of false claims

The VOA say they are aware of false claims that the deadline for appeals to the 2023 rating lists is June 30th.

This is not true. You should be wary of anyone making this claim.

You are generally able to challenge your property valuation on the 2023 list at any time until March 2026.

You should be cautious of any agent who:

  • tries to pressure you to make a decision or sign a contract
  • makes claims about ‘unclaimed credits’ or similar
  • says they are acting on behalf of the VOA
  • demands large sums of money up front

Remember – you don’t have to use an agent to manage your business rates.

If you want an agent to manage your business rates, use our checklist to choose an agent. Don’t let an agent choose you.

We also have new guidance on staying safe from scammers.

Our VOA agent standards set out clear expectations for agents regarding:

  • their behaviour
  • their professional practice
  • the service they provide to their customers

The vast majority of agents are reputable and provide a good service. But a small minority act in bad faith.

We collect evidence of poor agent behaviour and practices in the course of our work. This evidence allows us to proactively address issues or concerns.

If you are concerned about potential misrepresentation by agents, send any evidence to


A licensing regime for the use of rodent glue traps has opened to applicants today (19 June) .

A licensing regime for the use of rodent glue traps has opened to applicants today (19 June) ahead of new restrictions coming into force on 31 July. From that date it will be an offence to use glue traps for rodent control unless done under a licence.

Licences will be issued to professional pest controllers for the purpose of preserving public health and safety. Glue traps will only be permitted for use in exceptional circumstances where there is no alternative satisfactory solution.

The Glue Traps (Offences) Act 2022 aims to improve humaneness for target rodents, but also other animals that can sometimes become accidentally trapped. The Act gave users and suppliers of glue traps two years in which to finish off their existing stock and move to alternative methods of rodent control.


FCDO statement in response to dangerous actions taken by Chinese Coast Guard and Maritime Militia vessels against the Philippines near Second Thomas Shoal.

A Foreign, Commonwealth and Development spokesperson said: The UK strongly condemns the dangerous actions taken by Chinese Coast Guard and Maritime Militia vessels against the Philippines near Second Thomas Shoal.

China’s disregard for international law amidst reports of unlawful conduct in the boarding and towing of Philippine government vessels is extremely concerning.

Chinese actions interfered with navigational freedoms, caused damage to Philippine vessels and injury to personnel. These actions are escalating regional tensions and causing unnecessary risk of miscalculation.

We reiterate our support for UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), and call on both sides to adhere to the legally binding findings of the Tribunal in the South China Sea Arbitration.

Statement by UK Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador Barbara Woodward at the UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine.

Statement by Ambassador James Kariuki, UK Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, at the UN Security Council meeting on Sudan.

Joint statement by the spokespeople for the foreign ministries of France, Germany and the United Kingdom on the Iranian nuclear programme.

The text of the following is a joint statement by the Governments of the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom.

Statement by Ambassador James Kariuki, UK Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, at the UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine.


New fisheries arrangements will significantly reduce fishing pressure on mackerel.


A temporary export bar has been placed on a decorated table top once owned by King Louis XIV of France

A temporary export bar has been placed on a silk banner commemorating the Slavery Abolition Act 1833

A temporary export bar has been placed on the 19th century volumes of ‘A history of the birds of Europe’ by H. E. Dresser

Editor’s note: The above are thumbnail (or larger) details of various Government communiques / press releases which you may / may not have read about.  Not all involve politicians. But not all the headings on them say what the item is REALLY about so, in a few cases, NFCP have put an alternative headline  (or alternative opening paragraph) on them…

All can be found in full at News and communications – GOV.UK

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