Political diary: Babs Romance MP at the Bridge House… Lambeth council old age survey (for everyone 18 and over)… Ooh! Jeremy Corbyn music video in full… Plus: On re-wilding Heathrow airport, the English Channel becoming a ULEZ zone …and why Diane Abbott will be the next Doctor Who…

From: Bridge House theatre Penge West: There’s an election coming don’t you know?…

…So we thought we’d better have a very serious and important evening with an MP (very much not serious or important but hilarious drag satire).

Babs For Life: An Evening With an MP

June 21st and 22nd

Despite being dragged by the wig from her seat in Westminster, Babs Romance MP holds a celebratory ‘evening with’ and reflects on her absurdly privileged life and sketchy career as a Preservative Party minister.

Splintered within this PR opportunity are parody pop songs, audience interactions, multimedia elements and of course a saucy poem about pearl necklaces to bring to life Babs Romance’s account of events, with immersive references and a vibrant mix of performance styles, in this drag satire.


Lambeth council old age survey (for everyone 18 and over)…

The Age Friendly Lambeth draft Action Plan has six themes.

Amongh the subjects respondents are being asked to comment on:


  • Older residents are able to move around outdoor public spaces with ease by reducing the presence of bikes, scooters and trailing Electric Vehicle charging cables on Lambeth pavements.
  • Older residents benefit from greater accessibility of outdoor spaces through promoting the council’s ‘Community Parklet’ scheme and by increasing the number of community toilets in council-owned buildings.

Question 4: To what extent do you agree or disagree that these actions will support Lambeth in becoming an Age Friendly Borough?

Question 5: Do you have any comments about this topic, or ideas for anything else that you think is missing that you think would complement these actions?


  • Older residents are supported to live in good quality homes that are safe by raising awareness of the information and services available to support home maintenance and repair.

9. Do you have any comments about this topic, or ideas for anything else that you think is missing that you think would complement these actions?


  • Older residents benefit from inclusive, accessible transport through our continued funding of the Freedom Pass for residents over 65 years old and through making bus stops accessible as set out in our Transport Strategy.
  • Older residents feel and are safer when travelling by increasing pedestrian crossing times as part of the Road Danger Reduction Strategy and offering cycle training. (This training is apparently for senior citizens, and not for the Cycling Taliban who routinely ride on pavements and through traffic lights when they are at red. – Ed.)

Question 12. To what extent do you agree or disagree that these actions will support Lambeth in becoming an Age Friendly Borough?

Question 13. Do you have any comments about this topic, or ideas for anything else that you think is missing that you think would complement these actions?

33. Is there anything else you would like to say?

Readers can find the full survey here:

Age Friendly Lambeth Action Plan Survey


…Jeremy Corbyn music video in full…

Jeremy Corbyn @jeremycorbyn posted
Unfortunately, a tabloid newspaper has got hold of a music video I recorded in Islington North with an iconic grime artist I’ve admired for years. They are planning to publish a heavily edited clip, so I’m releasing the full version myself. Watch here: tinyurl.com/yeymfb96

… and: On re-wilding Heathrow airport, the English Channel becoming a ULEZ zone …and why Diane Abbott will be the next Doctor Who:


The Exploding Heads @Exploding_Heads Jun 18
Colin from Portsmouth lists every policy Labour will enact if they win a supermajority, and it’s utterly chilling.
Editor’s note: The above was reposted by Lambeth Labour councillor Marianna Masters who described it thus: Brilliant 🤣
A Lambeth Labour councillor who not only has a sense of humour. But also backs drivers. You couldn’t make it up.

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