Community: Fourth Croydon fire in seven days… Nominations open for Lambeth carer awards…

Firefighters have issued a reminder of their smoking safety advice following a flat fire on Milton Road in Croydon yesterday (Thursday).  The incident was the FOURTH fire in  Croydon in just seven days.***

A second-floor balcony was destroyed by fire. There were no reports of any injuries.

The Brigade’s fire investigators believe the fire was accidental and caused by the unsafe disposal of smoking materials.

A London Fire Brigade spokesperson said: “We’d rather you didn’t smoke at all, but if you are a smoker, it’s absolutely vital you ensure your cigarette is completely out when you’ve finished smoking it.

“If you don’t, you risk causing a fire which could not only destroy your home, but also cost you your life.

“If you’re smoking on your balcony, you should never throw your cigarette over the side. It could easily catch light to possessions on a balcony below or next to yours.”

The Brigade was called at 0134 and the fire was under control by 0221. Croydon, Woodside, Norbury and West Norwood fire stations attended the scene.

Safety advice for smokers:

  • Make sure you have smoke alarms fitted in every room you regularly use in your home including in the hallways.
  • Never smoke in bed.
  • Always ensure you stub out cigarettes properly and dispose of them carefully.
  • Keep matches and lighters out of children’s reach.
  • Never leave lit cigarettes or cigars unattended.
  • Empty ashtrays carefully, ensuring all smoking materials are stubbed out and cold.
  • If you must smoke, do it outdoors, but make sure to dispose of cigarettes properly.

***On June 23rd around 14 metres of fencing at the rear of a house in Aberdeen Road, Croydon was completely destroyed by fire. A makeshift shelter at a neighbouring property was also damaged in the blaze as well as 10 metres of fencing at a third property.

The Brigade were called at 2150 and the incident was under control by 0057. Fire crews from Croydon, Wallington and Purley fire stations were at the scene. The cause of the fire is undetermined.

On June 20th a ceiling void and lateral bathroom ducting between the first and second floors of a three-storey building in South End was partially damaged by fire.

The Brigade were called at 1708 and the fire was under control by 2028. Crews from Croydon, Purley, Woodside and Wallington fire stations attended the scene. The cause of the fire is under investigation.

Also on June 20th half of a four-roomed flat, on the second floor of a three-storey building in Warham Road was destroyed by fire. Two adults left the property before the Brigade arrived, one of whom suffered superficial burns.

The Brigade was called at 1419 and the fire was under control by 1534. Crews from Tooting, Norbury, Woodside and Addington fire stations attended the scene. The cause of the fire is under investigation. (Sources: London Fire Brigade incidents)


Nominations open for Lambeth carer awards…

Nominate unpaid carers and those who support them for Lambeth’s Carers Awards 2024

Nominations are now open for the 2024 Lambeth Carers Awards.

From Lambeth council: Tell us about someone who goes above and beyond to care for others in our community, and let’s give them the recognition they deserve.

We have 22 award categories, covering a range of caring duties, from disabilities to physical health and young people. They are listed below.

  • Mental Health Carer of the Year
  • Learning Disability Carer of the Year
  • Dementia Carer of the Year
  • Parent Carer of the Year
  • 50+ Carer of the Year
  • Neurodiversity Carer of the Year
  • Physical Disability Carer of the Year
  • Long-Term Condition Carer of the Year
  • Complex Needs Carer of the Year
  • Work & Care Balance Award
  • Carers’ GP Practice of the Year
  • Carer Friendly Business of the Year
  • Adult Social Care Professional of the Year
  • Special Recognition Award
  • Carer Volunteer of the Year
  • Community Organisation of the Year
  • Carers Innovation Award
  • Children’s Social Care Professional of the Year
  • Young Carer of the Year (5-11)
  • Young Carer of the Year (12-15)
  • Young Adult Carer of the Year (16-25)
  • School of the Year Award

More than 18,000 unpaid carers in Lambeth look after family and friends who couldn’t get by without their support. A carer is anyone who provides unpaid assistance to a friend or loved one due to illness, disability, mental health issues, or addiction. Caring can be rewarding but can also significantly impact carers’ lives. Lots of people might even be carers without realising it.

Use our online form to submit your nomination

Please make sure you have obtained consent from the person you are nominating. We will use the details you have provided to contact them about your nomination. The deadline for submitting your nominations is July 7th 2024. The awards ceremony will take place in September. (Source: Lambeth council’s official website).

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