Blue Badge offenders fined – 12 for using stolen ones…and Croydon council get six ‘good’ ratings in extra care

Motorists face massive bills totalling more than £9,000 in fines, costs and surcharges after illegally using Blue Badges - 12 of which had been stolen.  One person from Greenwich was prosecuted three times for the same offence of using a stolen badge - all of them in the same month. Offenders came from as far … Continue reading Blue Badge offenders fined – 12 for using stolen ones…and Croydon council get six ‘good’ ratings in extra care

Council news: ‘Opening the Books’ – Croydon to leave ‘ no stone unturned’ as borough’s finances are probed…More than 200 graffiti reports to council…Blue badge misuse results in financial penalties of more than £8,000 for 15 more motorists

"It is crucial that we restore residents’ confidence in the council, start listening to them and get the basics right” - Jason Perry ********************************************* Croydon council say they are set to leave "no stone unturned" as they embark on an ‘Opening the Books’ exercise to "improve their understanding of current financial risks and continue to … Continue reading Council news: ‘Opening the Books’ – Croydon to leave ‘ no stone unturned’ as borough’s finances are probed…More than 200 graffiti reports to council…Blue badge misuse results in financial penalties of more than £8,000 for 15 more motorists