Political diary: Jim4Dartford – but not 4Brockwell Park?… Claire Holland under fire for her comments – again……. Pete Elliott on Homes for Lambeth tenant evictions…

Lambeth Cllr Jim Dickson (aka Jim4Dartford)'s X ex Twitter post as viewed by Brockwell Park Association: Brockwell Park Association @EventBrockwell ·Jun 10 responded: Call out Lambeth's incompetent management of Brockwell Park. Get blocked. Truth hurts eh, Jim? ~ And Brockwell Park Association aren't the only ones apparently being blocked by Jim4: ~ mysaymysay @mysaymysay1 ·Jun … Continue reading Political diary: Jim4Dartford – but not 4Brockwell Park?… Claire Holland under fire for her comments – again……. Pete Elliott on Homes for Lambeth tenant evictions…