Community: Palace Acapella appeal for library hub reaches £500… Another moped ‘Crash for Cash’ scam attempt – but not a lot of people know about this!!!… Lewisham crackdown on Blue Badge fraud

Help Palace Acappella choir raise £5,000 for Upper Norwood Library Trust on Crowdfunder by Christmas! From Palace Acapella: Support Upper Norwood Library Hub's work tackling poverty, isolation and inequality in Crystal Palace by donating today. Let's make sure this valuable community space has what it needs. Upper Norwood Library Hub is a vital community space … Continue reading Community: Palace Acapella appeal for library hub reaches £500… Another moped ‘Crash for Cash’ scam attempt – but not a lot of people know about this!!!… Lewisham crackdown on Blue Badge fraud

“Crash for Cash” scams may fund “other serious organised crime” says MP – Thornton Heath among the “hotspots” says another

Mums on the school run are particular targets Scams are constantly evolving, presenting numerous variations  Insurers need to do a thorough job of investigating opportunistic insurance fraud ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Crash for cash scams - incidents in which individuals deliberately stage or cause road traffic collisions for financial gain - may fund "other serious organised crime" says … Continue reading “Crash for Cash” scams may fund “other serious organised crime” says MP – Thornton Heath among the “hotspots” says another

Blocked-off roads: MPs debate LTNs tomorrow (Monday) – and there’s a ‘Crash for Cash’ debate on Wednesday

A former Lambeth Labour councillor is to open tomorrow's debate on Low Traffic Neighbourhoods in Westminster Hall in the Houses of Parliament. Marsha de Cordova, now MP for Battersea and a Larkhall ward councillor from 2014 to 2018, will open the debate on behalf of the petitions committee of which she is a member. In … Continue reading Blocked-off roads: MPs debate LTNs tomorrow (Monday) – and there’s a ‘Crash for Cash’ debate on Wednesday

More ‘crash for cash’ moped scams exposed

More 'crash for cash' scams involving mopeds in collison with cars are being exposed on local social media. On April 30th News From Crystal Palace reported several incidents where moped riders are driving into cars and then demanding money - with solicitors letters then threatening legal action against innocent car drivers. Now a Whats App … Continue reading More ‘crash for cash’ moped scams exposed