Community: Upper Norwood Rec’s summer party… a new use for planters… Free childcare and food for Southwark kids during the summer holidays… Candidate calls for public consultation on holding events in Brockwell Park: “This is not an agricultural field.”

What a lovely afternoon at the Friends of Upper Norwood Rec's Summer Party. Great to see the community coming together in friendship.. and the rain stayed away! ...and the music performances were brilliant. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A new use for planters.... Southern reposted The Gipsy Hill Cat @TheGipsyHillCat Jun 19 The comfy @SouthernRailUK planters at Gipsy Hill, … Continue reading Community: Upper Norwood Rec’s summer party… a new use for planters… Free childcare and food for Southwark kids during the summer holidays… Candidate calls for public consultation on holding events in Brockwell Park: “This is not an agricultural field.”

Community: New Crystal Palace Chronicles novella… Ukraine appeal deadline… Action day at Upper Norwood Rec…

From Graham Whitlock, author of the Crystal Palace Chronicles:  CRYSTAL PALACE CHRONICLES SOARING HIGH And I'm not just referring to this smashing new display at Waterstones Bromley (which is even taller than me!) I'm also referring to a Crystal Palace Chronicles novella I'm working on entitled Palace Above the Clouds. Set around the world of the pioneering aeronauts … Continue reading Community: New Crystal Palace Chronicles novella… Ukraine appeal deadline… Action day at Upper Norwood Rec…

Community: What would you like to see at Upper Norwood recreation ground?…Upper Norwood library hub happenings – and hiring spaces

A meeting to discuss ideas for improving the Upper Norwood recreation ground which sits between Eversleigh, Hermitage, Chevening and Harold Roads is planned for Wednesday September 14th. Coincidentally there has been criticism of the state of the recreation ground on NextDoor social media. Comments include: Has anyone noticed the condition of the Upper Norwood Rec? … Continue reading Community: What would you like to see at Upper Norwood recreation ground?…Upper Norwood library hub happenings – and hiring spaces