London-wide housing scandal exposed – by council tenants. Boroughs taking millions in rents but spending very little on maintenance – so where’s the money going? (and how to find out what’s being spent on YOUR estate)

A massive London-wide housing scandal has been - and is being - exposed by tenants / residents who have been asking two very simple Freedom of Information questions of their council landlords: How much have you received in rent from people living on our estate? How much money have you spent on maintenance of our … Continue reading London-wide housing scandal exposed – by council tenants. Boroughs taking millions in rents but spending very little on maintenance – so where’s the money going? (and how to find out what’s being spent on YOUR estate)

Without comment 6: NHS… Estates ‘regeneration’… Refugee Council… Laura Kuenssberg beyond parody…

NHS Million  @NHSMillion Honest tweet now. This account is run by a tiny team of NHS staff. We have tried our best to get out what is happening on the ground. But we really need your help. If you support what we are doing please will you follow and RT this to your followers? Thank … Continue reading Without comment 6: NHS… Estates ‘regeneration’… Refugee Council… Laura Kuenssberg beyond parody…