Crash for Cash – What to do if you’re involved in a suspected incident – and some of the stories of the victims who have been…

IF YOU are involved in a suspected crash-for-cash incident you should gather as much information as possible, including:

  • Written details;
  • Photos; 
  • Dashcam footage; and 
  • Any nearby CCTV

People should also:

  • Report the incident to their insurer;
  • Report the incident to the local police; 
  • Report the incident to the IFB (Insurance Fraud Bureau) CheatLine; and
  • Should stay vigilant and informed to protect themselves and others to help combat the scams.


“Even the supposed witnesses turned out to be a part of the scam, leading to a barrage of fraudulent insurance calls”

MP Elliott Colburn – who also made the warnings featured above – said that to fully explain the scams, he would share a few examples.

“Katrina is a brave woman who experienced crash-for-cash fraud at first hand in an incident near Wallington High Street last month when she was on her way to pick up her daughter from school.

“As she waited to turn right, a biker on her right stopped to give way. “As the traffic halted, she cautiously pulled out halfway, stopping to ensure that the left side was clear. “But when she turned her head to check, another biker had collided with the front of her car.

“To her dismay, she noticed that the first biker was laughing, and the biker who had hit her immediately began filming the scene. “Shaken and confused, she pulled around the corner to exchange details, but encountered a language barrier and evasive behaviour from the biker.

“Despite the minimal damage to her car, something felt off. “Trusting her instincts, Katrina reported the incident to her insurance company and the police. “Following police advice, she contacted the Insurance Fraud Bureau.

“Later the same evening, she witnessed a similar incident in Sutton, although at the time she did not connect the two. “A couple of days later, she discovered through a Wallington Facebook group that others had experienced identical incidents in the same week within the small area of Carshalton and Wallington.

“That confirmed her suspicion that it was not an accident, but part of a deliberate scam.

“Recently, she has received a letter from a law firm requesting a settlement. “She intends to fight the claim, as it is appalling that people can exploit such fraudulent schemes, potentially affecting insurance premiums and causing undue stress and injury. “I am sure we wish her all the best.

“Katrina’s story underscores the importance of vigilance and the need to report suspicious incidents. “Not only are so-called crash-for-cash scams deceitful, but they have real consequences for innocent victims. “This bold woman’s decision to share her experience highlights the importance of raising awareness of the issue and the need to do something about it.

“Another victim in Wallington was targeted by a moped scammer who intentionally crashed their vehicle and refused to give details. “The police did not attend; the victim was left to gather evidence alone. “Another incident on London Road in Wallington involved a moped scraping a car and fleeing when a police car approached. “The victim’s dashcam only captured the front, making it difficult to prove a scam.

“A parent in Sutton faced a similar scam during the school run, causing immense stress, especially with young children in the car. “There appears to be a trend of parents, particularly mothers, being targeted during the school run, when roads are busier and people are in much more of a rush.

“For that couple, it all began when a motorbike deliberately collided with the husband’s car, resulting in minor damage. Although the biker admitted fault at the scene, they then filed a fraudulent insurance claim for a substantial amount of money, causing my constituent significant frustration. 

“It took persistent effort, including escalation to the chairman of Admiral, for the case to garner the attention it deserved.

“The same couple were then involved in another incident in Wallington, also involving a moped. “Despite the moped driver refusing to provide details, the police initially failed to respond. “It was not until the couple posted on the social media site Nextdoor and filed a report that the police began to take action.

“Thankfully, CCTV was available for the incident, which shed light on the situation. “But even the supposed witnesses turned out to be a part of the scam, leading to a barrage of fraudulent insurance calls. “It has been a frustrating ordeal, but the couple have diligently reported all incidents to the authorities and their insurance company and are hoping for a resolution.”

At the close of the debate Mr Colburn thanked all members for their contributions. “This has been a fantastic debate. I particularly thank my constituency neighbour, the hon. Member for Mitcham and Morden (Dame Siobhain McDonagh), for sharing her story. It was very powerful.

“This is a nasty scam, particularly in the way it targets women on the school run. It is also linked to organised crime, just as we saw with the spate of catalytic converter thefts in London a few years ago. “The statistics do not show the whole picture.

“I reiterate the advice to our constituents: always be aware, get a dashcam, collect evidence such as photos, videos and statements—and report it.”

Question put and agreed to. Resolved, That this House has considered the matter of tackling crash for cash insurance fraud.

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