Blocked-off roads – Cycling special: Will Norman on illegal pavement parking and the Brighton Road cycle lane… Jail for (woman) cyclist who caused serious footpath crash… Cycling bus driver Ediz on ‘Bike brain’… Why would you cycle towards a bull ?… And should cyclists be arrested for sheep-worrying?

Will Norman @willnorman (Shere Khanage’s cycling commissioner – Ed.) 4h

Illegal parking on pavements, in bike lanes, outside schools or blocking junctions puts people’s lives at risk. Good to see @EalingCouncil investing in enforcement officers to make our streets safer.


Jail for (woman) cyclist who caused serious footpath crash

A cyclist who seriously injured a pedestrian after crashing into her “at great speed” on a footpath (pavement) has been jailed for eight months.

She was sentenced at York Crown Court under the Victorian-era legislation of causing bodily harm by wanton and furious driving.

(Editor’s note: The Cycling Taliban will probably point out that the cyclist had 137 previous convictions, was cycling one-handed because she had a bag of dog food in the other hand, that she was “highly impaired by alcohol” at the time of the crash and the bike had no working brakes…and that cyclists shouldn’t be jailed anyway because the pedestrian shouldn’t have been standing there chatting…)


Brighton Road cycle lane

Will Norman @willnorman ·(Shere Khanage’s cycling commissioner – Ed.)
Err removing protection for cyclists won’t make it safer.  Happy to work with @yourcroydon to make the Brighton Road cycle lane permanent AND safe.


Bike Brain alert!!!!! ( A new phrase for 2024?

Ediz @ediz1975
Selfish….. arrogant…..entitled….. ‘Bike Brain’ is a condition that gives you a sudden boost of courage and nullifies any sense of danger when on a bike. Jumping red lights needs stopping as it’s getting much worse.. #Bikebrain
Ediz @ediz1975
Again whatever the rights and wrongs on what is going on here you surely do not do what the cyclist did ….. ‘Bike Brain’ at its best …… I must get in front attitude or I must beat my personal best comes before safety. One cyclist held allowing coach to pull over… ….. then comes the bike brain ….. the cyclist recording even shakes his head in shock at fellow cyclists #bikebrain #freecyclists Credit to Simon for video
And on some lighter notes: 
Ediz @ediz1975
Why would you cycle towards a bull ?
…and here’s a cycling video NFCP featured a while back. Which begs the question: Should cyclists also be arrested for sheep-worrying……….?
Ediz @ediz1975
Vulnerable lamb in collision with cyclist (vehicle) Hope all parties involved were ok ….

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