Political diary: Jim4Dartford – but not 4Brockwell Park?… Claire Holland under fire for her comments – again……. Pete Elliott on Homes for Lambeth tenant evictions…

Lambeth Cllr Jim Dickson (aka Jim4Dartford)’s X ex Twitter post as viewed by Brockwell Park Association:
Brockwell Park Association @EventBrockwell ·responded:
Call out Lambeth’s incompetent management of Brockwell Park. Get blocked. Truth hurts eh, Jim?
And Brockwell Park Association aren’t the only ones apparently being blocked by Jim4:
mysaymysay @mysaymysay1 ·Replying to @Dartford_Labour
The (redacted by NFCP) you have up as candidate has blocked me for pointing out the mess he has left Lambeth in. Brockwell park ruined due to corporate events. Rubbish everywhere two week bin collection Blind and wheelchair users can’t access the pavements due to @limebike (Four photos accompany this post – Ed.)
Horrified of HH @horrifiedofhh ·
Strangely, he’s blocked me too. I guess he didn’t like that post about suggesting they move @mightyhoopla to that village green in that constituency he isn’t going to win. Perhaps people were asking him about Brockwell Park. We’ll never know!
(Editor’s note: Unless of course, he wishes to respond via News From Crystal Palace.)
News From Crystal Palace have looked at both ‘My Say’ and ‘Horrified’s posts on X ex Twitter.’My Say’s reposts include:
mysaymysay reposted Brockwell Park Association @EventBrockwell (“We aim to return Brockwell Park to the original founding gift of unencumbered use for the residents of Lambeth and London, free of commercial & gated festivals”
A classist and racist policy to deprive working class and BAME communities from accessing public green space at the height of Summer. Imposed on you by a Labour Council. Vote them out #LE2026
mysaymysay also reposted
Brockwell Park Association @EventBrockwell ·
Your park has been privatised for a pittance. Wake up and vote them out #LE2026

Claire Holland under fire for her comments (again):

Lambeth council leader Cllr Claire Holland has made the following comments, reported in an Observer story on social rent homes:

Claire Holland, housing spokesperson for the Local Government Association, said: “Councils can play a critical role in solving this country’s housing crisis if they are given the powers and resources to build more of the genuinely affordable homes our communities desperately need.

“Our white paper sets out a range of proposals for whoever forms the next government to boost housing supply. “This includes granting five-year local housing deals, which combines national funding, for all areas of the country that want them.

“This will provide certainty and efficiencies and could support delivery of an additional 200,000 social homes in a 30-year period.”

To which one very irate Lambeth housing activist has responded on social media:

Claire Holland’s comment as LGA spokesperson for housing in this article flies in the face of what Lambeth are still proposing under her leadership i.e. the demolition of up to six estates, replacing with thousands of private for sale properties and few if and extra council ones.

Social rent homes in England fall by more than quarter of a million in decade

Charities have called on all political parties to address the ‘shameful record’ on social housing and build more homes


Pete Elliott on Homes for Lambeth tenant evictions…

Homes for Lambeth Tenants @hfltenants posted:
Listen to @pete556, @TheGreenParty parliamentary candidate for Dulwich and West Norwood, discuss why @lambeth_council
should not be evicting HfL Tenants with @writtenbysalma on @BBCRadioLondon
As 740 council-owned properties stand empty in the borough, Lambeth council are currently trying to make 150+ Lambeth families homeless to allegedly ‘house the homeless’. 1/5

“Many of these people will end up homeless and coming back to the council for housing. (..) There are people that are getting asked to move out from these estates, and next door they’ll have a boarded up home.” 2/5

“I don’t feel that making 150 families homeless to ‘house the homeless’ is the sensible way of doing things when there’s about 150 empty homes on these five estates [alone].” 3/5

“You’re effectively gentrifying the area.” 4/5

“What they [Lambeth council] haven’t considered is the 150 families (..) who are suffering mentally because of the stress that this is causing them and thinking that they can become homeless. (..) [Lambeth council] need to look at this holistically, transparently, and with the support of residents.” 5/5


  • There are six candidates standing in the Parliamentary election for Dulwich and West Norwood:
    Leon Cook (Conservative)
    Pete Elliott (Green)
    Donna Harris (Lib Dem)
    Helen Hayes (Lab)
    Mike Spenser (Independent)
    Gary Stevens (Reform)

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