Quotes of the Week from social media: Crystal Palace – “Shame about the through traffic”…say Brixton-based LTN supporters

Railton LTN @RailtonLTN
Crystal Palace has some lovely people friendly parts. Shame about the through traffic.
Little Ninja UK @LittleNinjaUK
The LCC/ Living Streets communications campaign ensures people cannot make a balanced, unbiased decision about LTNs. Their plan is to continually arm LTN advocates with reports, papers & opinion pieces misrepresented as research & journalism. Sadly, they’re really good at it.
Responses include:
They’ve also done a good job of training their followers to shut down anyone who dares to debate the serious issues, demonise them as “drivists” who want “to jump in the car to get to the corner shop” then blocking them from the conversation to keep this echo chamber intact

Croxted Road Dulwich resident: Driving is not less convenient than not driving at all. There are no bus services for 3,000 non catchment junior school pupils here. Not provided at all. Driving rates are 50 per cent +. We need to consider modal shift to buses as well as cycling.


The extension of #righttobuy is lazy flailing at a failed policy which has already helped to cause the housing crisis. Analysis we did at @NEF this week shows over two million social homes have been lost through it already, while house prices have risen over 1000 per cent.


Coverage of Wild Justice legal challenge: Activists take water regulator to court over sewage in English and Welsh rivers. Please support our crowdfunder crowdjustice.com/case/ofwat-whe


The French people own 87 per cent of their main electricity provider. The French people’s energy bills rose 50pc less than yours this year. Is it too radical to ask that the British people should be allowed to own their electricity provider?


“Review your consultation procedures for major regeneration projects” Southwark council told – by own committee. HIGH TIME FOR LAMBETH TO FOLLOW SUIT. Their awful plans are way out of date newsfromcrystalpalace.wordpress.com/2022/06/09/rev via @cplocal


The Friends of Streatham Hill Theatre @StreathamHillT
Today, 9 June 2022, marks the sad fact that it’s been 60 years since Streatham Hill Theatre – once THE place for West End transfers – last hosted a theatrical performance before becoming a bingo hall.
Photo by Tim Hatcher 2017, Thanks to Friends of Streatham Hill Theatre – Ed.

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