Blocked-off Roads – Opinion: “Sometimes, all you need is the Air That We Breathe”*

Firstly, an apology. News From Crystal Palace did go through the Centre for London report on LTNs thoroughly but obviously not thoroughly enough. For we missed the one paragraph that appears to owe more to social eugenics than logistics:

Recognise the sacrifices

Change will always disadvantage some people, even as it helps others. Denying this – in either the engagement or the launch phase – will simply cause distrust. It’s usually better to acknowledge that some people will be worse off in some ways as a result of any change, and, where appropriate, to thank them for accepting a change which will make things better for their neighbours. (Breathe in all that toxic air and die for their cause. LTN supporters and Labour-controlled councils thank you for your sacrifice. But that’s the only thanks you’ll get- Ed.)

The next paragraph (also on page 31 printed version, page 37 Internet) says:

Be honest about review mechanisms

It can be tempting to deal with criticism of an existing scheme by promising that it will be reviewed and possibly changed. But if that review doesn’t happen when people expect it to, trust will be lost. It’s important to be clear at the outset about whether and when a scheme will be reviewed, what evidence will be used, and how and when people
can give their feedback. In the case of LTNs, there is generally ample scope to review, refine and make modifications – monitoring and learning should be built into the whole process.
Similarly, councils should be clear in their consultations that they are exactly that – consultations – and not a vote on the scheme.

Consultation is essential to work out what type of scheme might be needed…

(In other words all LTN schemes go ahead – Ed.)

…and its details, but it can’t be about whether the scheme should go ahead or not. (So there – Ed.)

News From Crystal Palace takes the view that councillors being asked to vote on ANY Low Traffic Neighbourhood should now really be asking themselves:

  • Is this necessary?
  • What about the people living in the ‘sacrifice zones’?
  • Don’t they count? (No – Ed.)
  • Haven’t we got enough LTNs?

Sadly, in many cases, they won’t be allowed to. They will vote the way they are told to vote by party whips whose allowances for telling which way councillors to vote are paid for by ratepayers.

And stuff the majority, and stuff democracy.

*With acknowledgments and profuse apologies to The Hollies and the song’s two co-writers, one of whom is Albert Hammond OBE – please see Wikipedia – Ed.

Further reading: Blocked-off roads: Centre for London report slammed over ‘sacrificial lambs’ of LTNs. “Deeply disturbing and positively Orwellian”

Blocked-off roads: Do you think it right that people living in ‘sacrifice zones’ – as they are known in the United States – should be treated in a different way to privileged individuals living inside Low Traffic Neighbourhoods as a new Centre for London report suggests? If so, please state why… 

(News From Crystal Palace’s letter to various local politicians)

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