A load of bollards! Lambeth council tell resident that Oakwood Drive on the Central Hill estate is in…Croydon!

Oakwood Drive on Lambeth’s Central Hill estate is in Croydon – and that’s official.

This may come as a huge surprise to people living on the estate who have been paying rents, rates and insults / homage? to Lambeth since the estate was built in the early 1970s or thereabouts.

An email from Lambeth to a resident who was commenting on plans to install bollards on Oakwood Drive on the estate has been told (original, unamended for grammar etc – Ed.):

We are sorry that you had cause to complain about: raising bollards,

I have investigated and noted that Oakwood Drive does not maintain by London borough of Lambeth. I checked with our map showing that this is responsibility Croydon council therefore please contact them for the response.

The email ends:

Your feedback is important to us, let us know how we responded to this request by completing this very quick one-click survey.
Very poor Poor Average Good Very good

News From Crystal Palace have not asked Lambeth council for a comment – and we haven’t asked Croydon council for a comment either – Ed.

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