Council news: Unbelievable drivel from Lambeth leader Claire Holland as she meets housing campaigner Kwajo


Claire Holland @clairekholland (posting on Twitter):
Delighted to welcome @KwajoHousing to the Town Hall today to talk all things housing. Kwajo is a fantastic advocate & campaigner. It was great to discuss how we can support each other’s work to make sure everyone has access to safe, warm and secure housing. 🏡
The above appears exactly as Cllr Holland posted it – including the house emoji. The utter garbage posted by Cllr Holland follows recent revelations that:
  • Lambeth’s housing waiting list of 30,000 is TWICE that of Lewisham and Southwark’s housing waiting lists COMBINED
  • Lambeth have spent £10 million on housing disrepair costs in the last four years – including more than £3 million in the 2020 – 21 financial year. 

Yet the way Cllr Holland reacts here everything is lovely / there’s fairies at the bottom of the garden etc etc.

It isn’t. Lambeth Labour are living in Cloud Cuckoo Land if they really think that.


Responses on social media to Cllr Holland’s comment include:

This is, sadly, you, or your aides who put this together, just using this chap. Hope he quizzed you on the unnecessary demolition of existing estates.

I hope @KwajoHousing wasn’t taken in.

@lambeth_council don’t have the best reputation for the way they treat their council tenants do they? And the way that the council have treated campaigners against Boris’ greenwashing unjust LTNs is appalling, probably because many (including @clairekholland) live in them.
I bet you won’t be so keen to rectify the disgraceful conditions imposed upon tenants as you gentrify areas and demolish estates.
(Railton LTN @RailtonLTN responded: Oh wow!. As Eric Morecambe would say: There’s no answer to that – Ed.)

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