ULEZ: TfL threatened Bromley with legal action after they refused to put up “wretched paraphernalia” signs

“A number of permits have been refused since where insufficient detail or thought has been given as to their placement, but they are relatively few in number” – Bromley council leader Cllr Colin Smith


Bromley council were threatened with legal action by Transport for London (sic) after refusing permits to put up signs for the hugely controversial ULEZ (Ultra Low Emission Zone) extension into the borough.

News From Crystal Palace asked Bromley council leader Cllr Colin Smith: Have Bromley been threatened with legal action by TfL? Were initial permits refused?

Cllr Smith responded: “When the first batch of Mayor Khan’s permits were received in the Spring, they were all rejected as ‘the application conflicts with the council’s policy’ and legal action was threatened by TfL at that time.

“Following legal advice that our position would prove legally unsustainable were TfL to do so, the council ameliorated its position to simply not responding to the vast majority of such requests, which effectively provided Mayor Khan with the right to erect his wretched paraphernalia across the borough’s road network, against the Bromley council’s wishes.

“A number of permits have been refused since where insufficient detail or thought has been given as to their placement, but they are relatively few in number.”

 NFCP also asked Cllr Smith: Has Bromley signed any agreement with TfL?

Cllr Smith responded: “No, the council’s administration remains in outright opposition to the recent ULEZ expansion and is focusing its energy on influencing Parliament to step in and reverse TfL’s recent tax raid across Outer ‘London’, rather than assist them in implementing it.”

News From Crystal Palace’s questions to Bromley follow sensational revelations in Croydon executive Mayor Jason Perry’s weekly circular to residents that TfL had threatened Croydon council with legal action in order to allow works (apparently also involving putting up ULEZ signs but this isn’t made clear)* – to take place.

Mayor Perry posted last Friday in a section headed ‘ULEZ expansion’: The Mayor of London’s unpopular expansion of the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) scheme, which came into effect this week, hits residents, businesses and visitors to Croydon whilst having no meaningful impact on the environment.

“I have opposed the £12.50 daily ULEZ charge from the outset, but like all London boroughs we ultimately have no powers to block the expansion. “Mayor Khan has used his reserve powers to ride roughshod over local councils and residents.

“I remain extremely angry about this decision. “I have consistently taken steps to oppose the roll out of Transport for London (TfL) infrastructure and permits.”

It was only in the final paragraph of his comments that Mayor Perry revealed the legal threat from TfL:

“To date I have still not signed any agreement with TfL and initial permits were refused. “We were then threatened with legal action in order to allow the works to take place.”

*Croydon council have been asked to confirm this. No response as of 4.26pm today. An answer would still be appreciated – Ed.

(Words placed in bold by News From Crystal Palace – Ed.)

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