Blocked-off roads diary: Four more years of Shere Khanage says new poll… TfL claims 20 per cent of children cycling in London were in Dulwich Village – but where did they get THAT figure from?… Streatham: Cyclist overtakes buses – rows of them… “Initially Mickey Mouse schemes sound brilliant until reality sets in” (says Ella’s mum)…

A new poll has found that Sadiq Khan  would be re-elected Mayor of London next May.
Khan would score 50 per cent with Tory candidate Susan Hall on 23 per cent.
And if Jeremy Corbyn stood as a candidate, Khan would still win: Khan 41 pc; Hall 22pc; Corbyn 14 pc.
The report comes from Lord Ashcroft Polls (Lord Ashcroft is a former deputy chairman of the Conservative party).
It says that while nearly half of London voters – including most Tories – want to make the capital more competitive and productive, with higher economic growth, a majority – including most Labour voters – think it’s more important to make London fairer and more equal.
And supporters of different parties agree in similar proportions that protecting existing neighbourhoods and communities should take precedence over building new housing and infrastructure.

Things might well tighten before next May, says the opinion poll report. The Mayoral election is hardly at the top of people’s minds, and it would be fair to say Susan Hall’s campaign has yet to break through in a big way, though I’m sure her team would say it’s still early days.

In our groups, some had heard her name, and a few knew that she had promised to scrap the ULEZ expansion on day one if elected.

Some had even seen clips of her in action at City Hall and thought she did a good job of trying to hold the Mayor to account.

And there is still time for her to find a signature policy that captures Londoners’ imagination, or for Khan to get something badly wrong.

But the elements that came together to see a Conservative elected Mayor in 2008 – a national mood turning against Labour, a near-celebrity candidate in the as-yet-untarnished form of Boris Johnson, and a radical and increasingly unpopular incumbent – are not currently at hand.

(Source: Capital Values. London, The Mayor and the 2024 elections. Full data tables are available at


TfL claims 20 per cent of children cycling were in Dulwich Village – but where did they get THAT figure from?

Claims by Transport for London that 20 per cent of children cycling in London were in the Dulwich Village LTN have been questioned by campaign group Clean Air for ALL Dulwich.
So Clean Air for ALL Dulwich asked TfL where they’d got their figures from – and TfL replied:
Clean Air For All Dulwich @DulwichCleanAir ·
1/ A few weeks ago, TfL published ‘The impacts of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods – a summary of evidence.’ They said 20% of people cycling were children in parts of the Dulwich LTN. We asked TfL where they got their evidence from.
2/ Turns out it was a study by Dr Anna Goodman: ‘The value of measuring cycling diversity as well as cycling volume: a case study from south London.’
3/ Look a little closer and you can see the 20pc stat was from only two 12 hour counts in March and April 2021 during covid lockdown and taken right by Dulwich infants school. Glad we looked a little closer.
The report includes the following Disclaimer:
The low traffic neighbourhoods in Lambeth and Southwark were funded by the Department for Transport (DfT)
via the Active Travel Fund. AG (Anna Goodman) has been awarded DfT funding to evaluate the Active Travel Fund programme as a whole, although this study does not form part of that work. DfT had no input into this article. AG and CM (Claire McDonald) live in Lambeth (not in any of the areas studied) and AG’s parents live near the Dulwich intervention site.
AG designed the study, and AG and CM designed and supervised the data collection. AG led on data analysis
and all authors contributed to the report. The authors take full responsibility for the work presented here, and
all the opinions expressed are solely their own.
From north of the Thames:
Ediz @ediz1975 ·

Cycling on pavement due to congestion on road …. Passengers all getting off the buses to start walking. ….

@LDN_pressoffice what have you done?

Cyclist overtakes buses – rows of them

November 17th: From a cyclist: Streatham Wells LTN Watch reposted
I rode through Streatham late this afternoon and not one bus passed me again once I had overtaken it. There were rows of them. Not really all that safe either overtaking bus after bus. Squeezed between bus and car. The smell from some of them, diesel 🤢🤮.

…and, finally, one from the social media archives:

Malcolm Clark @MalcolmClark77 (Lambeth Cllr for Streatham Wells ward) ·
Streatham Wells Low Traffic Neighbourhood engagement report has been published. Detailed, thorough & transparent – as it should be. Am pleased Council officers are recommending proceeding, whilst also responding to some of residents’ main concerns. 1/
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to which Ella’s mum responded:
Rosamund Adoo-KD CBE FBSA @EllaRobertaFdn ·
65 per cent of residents are against it not surprising. Initially Mickey Mouse schemes sound brilliant until reality sets in. The disabled, elderly and speed freaks. Air pollution has no borders. Where is the effective monitoring? Counting cars tells us nothing about population exposure.

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