Heritage: More than 2,400 historic buildings given new protected status by Southwark council (including the wooden bus shelter on South Croxted Road)

More than 2,400 historic buildings have been given new protected status in Southwark council’s first ‘Local List’.

A Local List is made up of buildings or structures which are important to local people in Southwark. This importance can come from a special architectural or historic interest or from an entry having value in the local townscape or as part of a group.

Last year the council asked people which historic buildings in Southwark they valued the most. More than 2,600 contributions were received, resulting in 219 additions to the draft Local List. Now the status of all 2,449 buildings on the Local List have been given special weight under the planning process.

And among them is the wooden bus shelter in South Croxted Road, East Dulwich which got more than 70 nominations.

Comments from the public included:

  • “The lovely wooden bus shelter only exists as a local resident gave up their garden to support the wider schools and housing expansion in this area.”
  • “There used to be two matching wooden shelters here, and this one survives.”
  • There are now only handful of original wooden bus shelters in South London, and this maybe the only one in Southwark.”
  • “The local community and Dulwich Society secured funding to maintain it in 2015. “It has a local plaque installed to explain its local history.”

Entries on the Local List are not afforded the same protection as national listing e.g. grade I or II listed. But the introduction of a full ‘Local List’ means the council now has to consider the localised merit of an entry on the Local List in any planning decisions about the site.

A council spokesperson explained: “There will now be a general presumption against demolition. “Any harm caused to a Local List entry by a proposed development would have to be justified and outweighed by the benefits created as a result of the works.”

Southwark council cabinet member Cllr Helen Dennis says: “The epic response from local people reflects just how deep our shared desire is to protect the buildings that belong to Southwark’s unique history and character.

“The Local List covers all four corners of the borough in all its diversity; from old pubs, former factories and schools, to residential homes and estate tower blocks.

“It gives the council teeth in resisting demolition of these buildings.”

The Local List and any proposed additions will be reviewed on an annual basis.

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