Social media warnings on early morning machete and knife gangs in West Norwood, Tulse Hill and Herne Hill – cyclists, e-scooters, delivery riders targeted

Warnings of knife and machete gangs attacking delivery riders and e-bike users in West Norwood, Tulse Hill and Herne Hill are being posted on local social media by extremely concerned residents.

On West Norwood Local Facebook group:

Just had two guys try to attack a Deliveroo driver at knifepoint on the South Circular while on my way to the train at 7:01 am. Police have been informed. Please be careful. This is the second time in two weeks this has happened. Previously a group of 10 youths were attacking people on bicycles and scooters at knife point on Lancaster Avenue.

The post on West Norwood Local Facebook attracted several responses – including one from the intended victim:

Hi. I was on the bike. I was really scared, I screamed a lot, I left the situation a little dazed, behind me was a lady on a bike, I was worried about her too, right at the angle there were people who stopped and asked if I I was fine, thank you very much, those of you who were concerned stopped to help, God bless you all and keep us every day.

In a separate response the Deliveroo driver posted: He squeezed my arm so I would let go of the bike

I saw the same group push a guy off a deliveroo bike last week in between Lancaster Avenue and Ardlui Road in West Norwood – fortunately they got more than they bargained for with him but they were in balaclavas. It was only 830pm.

This is really concerning. It seems it’s escalating. It seems the police are involved but it would help, if we, as a local community email our concerns to locally councillors, Helen Hayes our MP. I have experienced something similar in the area and it’s horrendous. Don’t underestimate the after effects of attacks like this. The more we are vocal, the more they will have to sit up and listen. Crime is a huge issue around here and I’d really rather they focus their energy & funds on this instead of other pointless schemes.

We need our local government to take control of the situation. As someone who’s been attacked in the area myself – to be frank – don’t care how it’s coordinated but as our local councillors they have a duty to deal with it. Fed up of the crime, passing the buck. Focus attention on real issues. Knife crime is a big issue and yet nothing is being done.

In a separate thread a West Norwood resident posted on nextdoor social media:

This is a warning for anyone cycling early morning between the Tulse Hill and Herne Hill areas. Something happened to me this morning while I was cycling to work that really shocked me, At around 5:50 – 6 am to be precise I had just passed Deronda Road bus stop when I saw out of the edge of my eye that two guys armed with machetes were running after me.

I wasn’t really aware of how bad the situation was, didn’t even react for the first five to 10 seconds. They were wearing tracksuits and covering up their faces, Then I just cycled quicker and quicker. Lucky me I got an electric bike so they couldn’t get to reach me. It was a very traumatic experience. I no longer wanna use that route to ride for a while.

Any riders in the group taking that route early morning, be very careful!

Responses include:

It’s gangs out picking early morning commuters. They wanted your bike and possibly your phone. Had a similar thing happen at a bus stop early morning in Herne Hill. I was surrounded by two young men with balaclavas on and they showed me the handle of the knife 🔪 in the pocket … they asked for the time hoping I’d reach for my phone but I said no 🤪 I live in Herne Hill, been here 12 years it’s never been so bad with crime. Sunday witnessed two phone muggings at dusk in the high street … Glad they didn’t catch you up !! Possibly not safe to use the route, maybe cut through the Dulwich area.

Machetes. The police need to be looking at peoples door cams and locking up those guys. It was supposed to be five years instantly if caught with a knife. What the heck! 😬

There was a machete mugging on Tooting Bec common a few months ago in evening two joggers (male and female) stopped and threatened by two men with balaclavas and machetes. They took one of the phones after threatening them for 15 minutes with the machetes. Very worrying as lived near Tooting Common for 21 years and not had this before.

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