“We are Millwall – someone likes us” (In this case, Lewisham council as a 999 year lease for the New Den is agreed)

Millwall Football Club have agreed a 999-year lease with Lewisham council to remain at the New Den.

The new lease will also bring forward development around the stadium, as part of wider regeneration plans for the area.

It also secures space for Millwall Community Trust which works to improve the lives of young people in Lewisham, Southwark and the wider Millwall community through sport.

The council’s Mayor and cabinet formally agreed to the terms at a meeting on May 8th.

Millwall FC CEO Steve Kavanagh says: “This is incredible news for the football club and everyone associated with it.

“A remarkable amount of hard work has gone into getting to this stage and I’m grateful to Mayor Brenda Dacres, her predecessor Damien Egan, various other personnel at Lewisham council, our property advisors, the board, and all those who have also contributed at different points in the process.

“Possessing development rights on the land around The Den, along with the rights to draw down leases of 999 years, provides the club with an array of opportunities to benefit supporters on matchdays, enhance capabilities on non-matchdays, and, more generally, assist with ongoing efforts to develop existing and find new revenue streams.

“As well, and crucially, it cements our position as a community asset by placing the club at the forefront of the wider redevelopment.”

From Lewisham council:

“This is an important step which will unlock the club’s plans for the area surrounding the stadium. “The club will now develop its plans for the area and submit them to the planning authority in due course.”

Mayor of Lewisham Brenda Dacres said: “We are delighted to have reached a positive outcome, with a new, long-term lease which secures Millwall’s future in the borough. “This has been a long process, and I’m pleased we’ve been able to work together to secure the relocation of facilities for the Millwall Community Trust and support our shared ambitions for this part of Lewisham.

“I look forward to working with Millwall Football Club on their plans for the land around the stadium, to unlock much-needed homes as well as new leisure and community spaces.

“Both Millwall FC and the Millwall Community Trust contribute immensely to our local community and provide life changing opportunities for so many in our borough. We look forward to continuing to support their important work.”

Frequently asked questions

Why did Millwall Football Club need a new lease?

The Club has 120 years left on its current lease but the lease restricts any development rights. The new lease will allow the club to develop on parcels of land around the stadium in alignment with the council’s adopted planning vision for the Surrey Canal Triangle area. This will support the council’s ambitions for the area, as well as helping the club to be more financially sustainable.

How were the terms of the lease decided?

Discussions between the council (as a freeholder) and Millwall FC (as a leaseholder) have been ongoing for some time about a proposed restructuring of the lease. 

The agreed lease restructure will deliver a fair return on the council’s freehold interest for the site and the council have received external commercial advice in arriving at this position.

Who guides this kind of development in Lewisham?

The council’s Local Development Framework sets the vision, objectives, strategy, and policies that will guide development and regeneration in the borough to 2025 and together with the Mayor of London’s ‘London Plan’, forms the statutory development plan for the borough. It anticipates major change and includes a focus on the Surrey Canal triangle area as a major development opportunity.

The London Plan reinforces this view by identifying that area as having potential for significant urban renewal.

What will this mean for residents?

Millwall FC will submit detailed plans in due course, however, the lease provides guarantees in terms of the quality of the public realm and a connection through the site, as well as increased rental income for the council.

What is the ambition for this part of Lewisham?

The council and the club share an aspiration to see development come forward on the site of the ground and its surrounds. There is unrealised potential for new homes and a healthy mix of uses in this part of the borough.

This part of London has been home to Millwall FC for over a century and the council wants to ensure the club is a partner in realising our ambitions for growth and development that serves our residents well into the next century.

The outline consent granted to Renewal for their neighbouring New Bermondsey scheme highlights that intent and is set to see significant change in the coming years.

What does this mean for Millwall Community Trust?

Millwall Community Trust deliver a range of positive outcomes for the local community.

The council have restructured the lease to ensure the relocation of facilities for the Trust before their leasehold interest with the council is relinquished or it will ensure the Trust’s terms are extended if development does not come forward earlier than their lease expiry.

Is a 999-year lease common?

Lease terms of 999 years are felt to be the norm for such strategic and long-term development agreements.

What will development look like?

Detailed plans will need to be submitted to Lewisham council’s planning authority when the club is ready. It is through this process that the nature, scale and quality of the development will be determined.

The plans are expected to include a mix of housing and retail/hospitality/leisure uses.

Further reading

Lewisham Council’s Mayor and Cabinet briefing 8 May 2024

(Source: Lewisham.gov news and updates)

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