Blocked-off roads Opinion: Time for the real residents of Lambeth to form their own Peoples Alliance

It is now horrendously clear that the Labour group on Lambeth council are beyond reason on matters involving Low Traffic Neighbourhoods or whatever fancy name they want to call them.

They have already decided to introduce two more low traffic neighbourhoods – in Slade Gardens and Stockwell Gardens – without even bothering to go through yet another of their sham ‘consultations.’ Instead, Lambeth are asking residents help to design them.

What utter arrogance.

Elsewhere, the people of West Dulwich are the latest who will be getting a Low Traffic Neighbourhood imposed on them. Whether the majority want it or not.

And if Labour, as predicted, win next Thursday’s general election, that will – almost certainly – be the starting gun for Lambeth Labour to turn the whole borough into a massive Controlled Parking Zone / Low Traffic Neighbourhood with 20 mph roads everywhere.

If it’s not too late, then residents in Lambeth need to get together and form their own Peoples Alliance similar to the one in Oxford. And start preparing for the council elections in May 2026. NOW.

In the latest elections in Oxford – where only half the council were up for re-election –  four anti-LTN candidates won seats.

Oxford Mail…
  • The IOA was formed by Oxford people wanting to bring common sense back into local politics.
  • We want a return to effective democracy, where all people have a voice and their voice is heard.
  • While we are formally a political party, we operate as an alliance of independents.
  • We don’t have a party whip. So, unlike the ‘mainstream’ parties, our candidates and councillors do not have to follow a party line. They are free to represent and act in the best interests of the people in their ward.

The IOA constitution makes this clear:

The group holds a limited core set of values and policies to which all candidates adhere, but, outside these, candidates are free to pursue the issues most relevant to their particular wards in City, District Council or County Council elections.

IOA candidates and councillors think for themselves and have their own views.

They are not all the same – except that they ALL believe in real democracy, freedom of speech, truly representing their constituents and being fully accountable for their own actions.


        • Undo policies which are currently damaging our city and ourselves.

        • Instigate a return to real democracy, where our councillors represent their communities rather than blindly following the diktats of their party.

        • Spend your money wisely on actions which meet the needs of the wider community.

With your support, we will get our candidates elected as councillors on the City and County Councils in Oxford and Oxfordshire

Please join us to make this happen!

Over to you…..

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