ULEZ: TfL threatened Bromley with legal action after they refused to put up “wretched paraphernalia” signs

"A number of permits have been refused since where insufficient detail or thought has been given as to their placement, but they are relatively few in number" - Bromley council leader Cllr Colin Smith ********************************************. Bromley council were threatened with legal action by Transport for London (sic) after refusing permits to put up signs for … Continue reading ULEZ: TfL threatened Bromley with legal action after they refused to put up “wretched paraphernalia” signs

Blocked-off roads: Bromley refuse SECOND request from Khanage to place ULEZ signs on the borough’s highways. “There are many principles at stake here which go to the heart of local democracy” says council leader – as he reconfirms Bromley’s “absolute opposition” to scheme

“What we have discovered leads us to believe that what this is really all about is the unspoken intention to install a network of cameras across the entire capital, which provides the technology to then, suddenly, introduce a Road Price Charging policy for all, very much including Green and Hybrid car drivers as well" - … Continue reading Blocked-off roads: Bromley refuse SECOND request from Khanage to place ULEZ signs on the borough’s highways. “There are many principles at stake here which go to the heart of local democracy” says council leader – as he reconfirms Bromley’s “absolute opposition” to scheme

Blocked-off roads: Bromley council still waiting to hear from Croydon council that they plan to put ANPRs into Auckland Road – a decision they made two weeks ago

Bromley council still haven’t been formally notified of Croydon’s decision to install ANPR cameras in the Crystal Palace Low Traffic Neighbourhood yet so the ‘clock’ hasn’t started running. As News From Crystal Palace reported on June 9th, Bromley council still need to respond (they have a month) with Croydon almost certainly being taken to the … Continue reading Blocked-off roads: Bromley council still waiting to hear from Croydon council that they plan to put ANPRs into Auckland Road – a decision they made two weeks ago

Blocked-off roads: Croydon council report says they communicated with Bromley from the start of the LTN and is “committed to continue discussions.” Bromley’s response:“This suggestion is news to me certainly and perhaps more importantly is news to senior Bromley council officers as well” – council leader

 Bromley council have ridiculed claims in an official Croydon council committee report which says Croydon communicated with Bromley before introducing the highly controversial Crystal Palace Low Traffic Neighbourhood scheme. Croydon's claims come in an additional document to next Tuesday's meeting of its scrutiny and overview committee which is set to discuss a 'call in' of … Continue reading Blocked-off roads: Croydon council report says they communicated with Bromley from the start of the LTN and is “committed to continue discussions.” Bromley’s response:“This suggestion is news to me certainly and perhaps more importantly is news to senior Bromley council officers as well” – council leader

Bromley council budget: A tale of two parties. Why Labour opposition called for a one-year council tax break for working people in bands A to D – and why the Conservatives opposed it

Labour opposition members called for a one-year tax break for people of working age in bands A to D when Bromley council voted on its annual budget last week. Conservatives voted against the Labour amendment on the proposal. What follows are the Labour opposition group statement on the budget - and a response from Bromley … Continue reading Bromley council budget: A tale of two parties. Why Labour opposition called for a one-year council tax break for working people in bands A to D – and why the Conservatives opposed it

Blocked-off roads: Bromley council leader slams Croydon’s ANPR move

"Bromley's position remains that burdening residents living on the 'A' Roads such as Anerley Hill and Church Road with more congestion and extra air pollution, to benefit a small number of residents living in leafier roads on the Croydon side of the boundary is fundamentally unfair and wrong" - Cllr Colin Smith ***************************************************************************************************** Bromley council … Continue reading Blocked-off roads: Bromley council leader slams Croydon’s ANPR move

Blocked-off roads – Bromley council leader slams Croydon’s behaviour: Message is very clear and absolutely appalling in equal measure says Colin Smith

"....the only people who can assert any meaningful influence on the process or rein in those behaving in this manner, are the signed up members of the Labour party locally who get to pick their candidates for future elections. "It really is long since time that they made their view and voices more loudly heard … Continue reading Blocked-off roads – Bromley council leader slams Croydon’s behaviour: Message is very clear and absolutely appalling in equal measure says Colin Smith

Blocked-off roads – Bromley council leader’s praise for campaigners: “Fantastic victory” for residents living in both Croydon and Bromley boroughs

"I take my hat off to the local community leaders who have emerged amongst them, to fill the void and lead their roads and neighbourhoods over the course of these past six months... "Their resilience and stoicism in the face of unyielding and uncaring officialdom from Croydon council in particular, who have remained hell bent … Continue reading Blocked-off roads – Bromley council leader’s praise for campaigners: “Fantastic victory” for residents living in both Croydon and Bromley boroughs

Blocked-off roads: Council leader’s response to Bromley Living Streets

Bromley council leader Cllr Colin Smith has released copies of an exchange of emails between himself and Bromley Living Streets over the highly controversial Crystal Palace Low Traffic Neighbourhood scheme. Cllr Smith told News From Crystal Palace: "My loose understanding is that the removal of the scaffolding hasn’t disappeared the problem even during the depths … Continue reading Blocked-off roads: Council leader’s response to Bromley Living Streets


"It is fundamentally unfair that having already suffered the indignity of having  deliberately diverted traffic being channelled through their roads for the past two and a half months, and with no realistic hope in sight of any relief coming to their aid for at least another three months (even if the scheme is fast tracked … Continue reading Blocked-off roads EXCLUSIVE: BROMLEY COUNCIL LEADER ASKS MAYOR KHAN TO GET LTN PARAPHERNALIA REMOVED “WITHOUT DELAY” – No ‘consultation’ until January?