Political diary: Freedom of Information answers – Is there ongoing censorship by Lambeth council on their official website? And, if so, who’s doing it?

"Search Freedom of Information topics for a selection of responses to previous FOI requests handled under the Act" says the lambeth.gov website. "We will publish responses in the disclosure log when we think there is a wider public interest, when information is asked for often, or when the information isn't easy to find elsewhere." So … Continue reading Political diary: Freedom of Information answers – Is there ongoing censorship by Lambeth council on their official website? And, if so, who’s doing it?

Blocked-off roads: Lambeth refusing to publish Streatham Wells LTN monitoring report because it isn’t finished yet – but will be within six months

Lambeth council are refusing to publish information from stage one of the Streatham Wells Low Traffic Monitoring report - because, more than three months later, it isn't finished yet. Publication is expected "within six months." Their refusal comes in response to a Freedom of Information request which asked: Please could you provide the traffic count … Continue reading Blocked-off roads: Lambeth refusing to publish Streatham Wells LTN monitoring report because it isn’t finished yet – but will be within six months

…and are Khan’s secret plans for Streatham High Road an extension of something which was already on the drawing board?

In late February Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said plans were "imminent" to do something about the massive traffic chaos caused by Streatham Wells Low Traffic Neighbourhood on Streatham High Road: Blocked-off roads: Changes to Streatham Wells LTN “imminent” Khan tells LBC (but what will Lambeth Labour have to say if there are?) ~ News … Continue reading …and are Khan’s secret plans for Streatham High Road an extension of something which was already on the drawing board?

Blocked-off roads diary: Labour councillors version of what the Streatham Wells LTN is – and was – about

The Lambeth Labour councillors in Streatham Wells ward -Malcolm Clark and Marianna Masters, the latter of whom is standing as Labour candidate for the new seat of St Neots and Mid-Cambridgeshire in the General Election on July 4th - have issued the following leaflet about the hugely controversial Streatham Wells LTN: Source: Facebook https://www.facebook.com/share/p/uinYxWK7giuvCWfz/?mibextid=WC7FNe reposted … Continue reading Blocked-off roads diary: Labour councillors version of what the Streatham Wells LTN is – and was – about

Blocked-off roads: Deadline for having your say on Government’s LTN Review is Monday morning 10 am

From the Together organisation / campaign group CALL TO ACTION: Please complete this survey about LTNs A Parliamentary committee is seeking public responses to a survey about the impact of 'Low Traffic Neighbourhood' (LTN) roadblocks and... We're asking you to please complete it URGENTLY - before the deadline of 10am on Monday (May 6th): Please complete the short survey HERE (guidance … Continue reading Blocked-off roads: Deadline for having your say on Government’s LTN Review is Monday morning 10 am

Blocked-off roads: Lambeth’s response to Government LTN survey doesn’t answer all of the Department for Transport’s questions directly…

Lambeth council have made public their response to a Government Low Traffic Neighbourhoods survey following a Freedom of Information request by News From Crystal Palace. But there are NO direct answers to some of the Department for Transport's actual questions in Lambeth council's main response, including: Details of negative impacts, for example impacts on air … Continue reading Blocked-off roads: Lambeth’s response to Government LTN survey doesn’t answer all of the Department for Transport’s questions directly…

Blocked-off roads: Are Lambeth Labour planning to reimpose Streatham Wells LTN? They’re not making their position clear… ….as SECOND school puts Lambeth council on the very naughty step over LTN – because more of their pupils were being mugged

Garrads Rd & neighbours SW16 @LambethLook posted the above on social media with the following comment: 14h Sigh. Why does politics = such bald faced lies? @EmmaLNye "@lambeth_council listened to residents' concerns". NO. Not a peep from @adem_ibtisam @CllrMeldrum #Streatham LTN was suspended by force, by the Mayor and huge local opposition, not the pro … Continue reading Blocked-off roads: Are Lambeth Labour planning to reimpose Streatham Wells LTN? They’re not making their position clear… ….as SECOND school puts Lambeth council on the very naughty step over LTN – because more of their pupils were being mugged

Blocked-off roads: School puts Lambeth council on the VERY naughty step over Streatham Wells Low Traffic Neighbourhood

"The children would have to navigate through this heavy traffic and fumes to enter the school. "Parents/carers would raise their concerns about the health implications and discuss the possibilities of moving out of the area (which of course would have an impact on our school numbers) on a daily basis" - head teacher ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sensational … Continue reading Blocked-off roads: School puts Lambeth council on the VERY naughty step over Streatham Wells Low Traffic Neighbourhood

Blocked-off roads diary: Lambeth Labour councillors rewriting history of Streatham Wells LTN?… Pollution-free public transport

"I see Streatham Vale councillors are claiming they campaigned to have the Streatham Wells LTN suspended - anyone seen or heard anything from these three that backs up these claims?" asks a post on social media. News From Crystal Palace say to Cllr Danny Adilypour and Cllr Henna Shah: LET'S SEE ANYTHING IN WRITING PLEASE. … Continue reading Blocked-off roads diary: Lambeth Labour councillors rewriting history of Streatham Wells LTN?… Pollution-free public transport

Blocked-off roads diary Two: Every picture tells a story… but is this one a fairy tale?… Streatham Wells LTN: “Council have refused to acknowledge their own role in the LTN’s failure” say Green councillors… And why the Pro-LTN lobby are “now in a rabbit hole” in Dulwich…

Image: Transport for London A social media post from Liveable Streatham Wells // fix our broken streets @LiveableWells features two images, one a fastened up video of around 57 seconds of an unidentified T junction with a mini roundabout, and the still image from Transport for London pictured above. The post states: Valley Road and … Continue reading Blocked-off roads diary Two: Every picture tells a story… but is this one a fairy tale?… Streatham Wells LTN: “Council have refused to acknowledge their own role in the LTN’s failure” say Green councillors… And why the Pro-LTN lobby are “now in a rabbit hole” in Dulwich…